What is it? What is the difference?
A disease of osteoarthritis, and there is arthritis. Their titles sound very similar, render this disease in the same organs as the joints, but the foundation of these diseases is very different. What is the difference?

What is the oa
One of the main features of this disease — the defeat of the cartilage in the joint. Any osteoarthritis there is a stabbing pain in the area of the affected joint may appear swollen.
The cartilage in this disease ceases to cope with the load which it is, and it starts to break down is stronger than the time to straighten.
In the wake of the cartilage intermediate layer between the bones, which provides normal gliding of the articular surfaces of the bones, is not ensured any more, starts to degrade, and the movements are accompanied by pain.
What is arthritis
It is the chronic inflammation in the joints. Called severe arthritis eating disorders of the joint. Often accompanied by a swelling ill of the area.
The symptoms of arthritis and osteoarthritis have very big difference.
The oa has not in its symptomatology "volatility". In other words, the inflammation caused by a joint, is extremely rare pass to the other joint, leaving the former at rest.
Arthritis — "volatile" nature is traced.
The difference of arthritis and osteoarthritis in the nature of the pain.
Arthritis — the pain subsides, when a person moves actively, with the exception of the dawn of the pain.
With osteoarthritis the stiffness in the morning, going for a short period of time, during the movement of the joint "tingling".
The drugs anti-inflammatory non-steroid type, used in the treatment of arthritis, can eliminate the pain that one time. Arthritis can cease to manifest, but then attack with new force.
With osteoarthritis of the reasons that begin to degrade the joint cartilage, can become metabolic disorders, excess weight, decreased blood flow to the joint.
And yet, the most common cause is not the regulatory burden on the joints.
In the body-the therapy-oriented techniques of physical massage that relieves tension in the muscles and joints that carry a double load because of the sick of the joint.
The balancing is done muscle compounds that support the function of defender. They need to help to release the tension, relax.
Soft manual technique of relaxation of the connective tissue close to a joint so as to enhance the flow of blood and oxygen. The joint "begins to"breathe".
The technique of manual stimulation, "the awakening," the beginning of the attached muscles located on the back, along the spine, has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system. The lymph system works like a drainage system, cleansing the body of toxins and removing large particles in the suspension of the inter tissue space, and delivering it to all the cells of hormones, proteins, and lymphocytes.
You receive the opportunity to feel better, to release tension, find a contact with his body.
And, of course, this is only part of the way.
Addressing psychosomatic, you can find out the causes of the evolution of adverse changes in the joints... this Is without a doubt speed up the process of recovery.
The psychological causes of the disease of the joints in the following article.